Consumer Information

根据1965年高等教育法, as amended, 韦兰浸会大学需要分享各种学科的统计数据和/或信息. The following list explains each item.

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Table of Contents

Academic Programs General Institutional Information
Accreditation Health and Safety
College Navigator Website Institution Policies
FERPA Act and Annual Notification Student Outcomes
Financial Information Voter Registration


Academic Programs

Current degree programs offered by the institution; written agreements with other institutions; information on instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities related to the academic programs; information on faculty and other instructional personnel; and plans the institution has for improving the academic programs



Names of associations, agencies, or government bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs.


View Accreditation Information


College Navigator Website:

大学导航是一个免费的消费者信息工具,旨在帮助学生, parents, high school counselors, and others get information about over 7,000所高等教育机构,例如提供的课程, retention and graduation rates, prices, aid available, degrees awarded, campus safety, and accreditation.


Use College Navigator


FERPA Act and Privacy Policy:

1974年的《mg网上真人》(FERPA)旨在保护学生教育记录的隐私, 确立学生查阅学习记录的权利, 并通过非正式和正式听证会提供纠正不准确或误导性数据的指导方针. For general information on FERPA, visit the U.S. Department of Education website.


View FERPA Information

View Privacy Policy


Financial Information

Cost of Attending Institution: Cost of attending for one semester; including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, transportation, and any additional costs

可获得的经济援助和资格: A description of all the Federal, State, local, private, 以及为入学学生提供的机构学生财政援助计划和每个计划的资格要求. Information is also available in the Academic Catalog.

Net Price Calculator: 使用学费计算器获得可用的财政援助方案的早期估计

Refund Policy and Withdrawal Reimbursement: 退还未获得的学杂费或支付给机构的其他可退还部分费用的政策

归还第四章补助金或贷款援助: 归还第四章补助金或贷款援助的要求摘要

Return of Military Tuition Assistance: 向国防部返还未获得的军事学费援助的要求摘要

Terms and Conditions of Loans: 作为学生经济援助计划的一部分,学生收到的贷款条款, 样本贷款的样本还款时间表和偿还贷款的必要性


General Institutional Information

Diversity of Student Body: 按性别划分的全日制在校生资料, race/ethnicity, and Federal Pell Grant recipients

Career Services: 就业服务办公室帮助学生找到适合他们兴趣和技能的就业机会, 并指导他们为自己选择的领域做准备.

校际体育项目参与率和财政支持数据(体育公平披露法): 参加校际体育比赛的校队名单,包括项目参与情况和每个队的财务数据

残疾学生特别设施及服务: 对残疾学生的特殊设施和服务的描述

Student Activities: 学生活动和组织的列表

Study Abroad Programs :根据第四章高等教育学院(HEA)项目的援助,学生在海外学习项目中注册

Textbook Information: 大学商店提供学生所选课程所需的教科书和其他课程材料的信息. 教材资料可按校园、院系、课程及组别编号查询. 提供的有关教科书的信息包括标题, Author, Edition, ISBN # and pricing information.


Health and Safety

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: 最近三年的校园犯罪统计数据和消防安全报告,以及有关应急反应和疏散程序的政策.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program: 关于预防酗酒和吸毒方案的信息.

Emergency Policies and Procedures: 制定政策和程序,确保所有大学人员都具备专业处理紧急情况的能力, responsible and thorough manner.

Pioneer Alert: 先锋警报是一个紧急通知系统,使WBU能够迅速通知我们韦兰家庭校园骚乱, weather concerns, and personal safety emergencies.

Title IX Information: 性行为不端和歧视校园资源(包括性别平等), sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, and discrimination issues)

Vaccination Policies: School policies regarding vaccinations.


Institution Policies

Complaint/Appeal Process: Student Grievance Policies and Procedures

Computer Use and File Sharing: 有关电脑使用和文件共享的政策

Copyright Infringement : 与侵犯版权有关的制度政策和制裁

Transfer of Credit and Articulation Agreements: 在另一所高等教育机构获得的学分的转移政策,以及与该机构建立衔接协议的任何机构的名单.

Disclosure of Teach-Out Plans

Withdrawal Requirements and Procedures: 正式退出该机构的要求和程序


Student Outcomes

Graduation Rates: Graduation rates for all first-time, full-time undergraduates by gender, race/ethnicity, and financial aid recipients

获得体育相关学生资助的学生毕业率: 获得体育财政援助的首次全日制学生运动员的毕业率

Post-Graduate Information: Employment of, 以及该机构毕业生参与研究生和专业教育

Retention Rates: Retention rate of degree-seeking, first-time, full-time, 进入学校的本科生

Voter Registration: Download a voter registration form


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