Veteran Center: V-CEVSS


VA/Military Student Success

College Credit for Military Training

You might be closer to a degree than you think! 韦兰大学提供接受军事训练以获得大学学分的学位计划. 探索这个项目,看看它是否是最适合你的教育途径.


VA/ Military Benefits

在此浏览您的福利和其他资助机会! 找出你或你的家属有资格享受的福利, how to apply for those benefits, as well as general information on benefits.


Military Career to Wayland Degree

Whether you’re looking to build an education that aligns with your military career or jump into a new field, 韦兰有许多学位计划可供选择. Check out the possibilities!

Learn More



V-CEVSS Mission:

Support military affiliated students engaged in the mission to receive higher education by providing streamlined, 全面的服务通过虚拟访问, adaptable, innovative, 以及旨在提高每个学生学业表现的合作项目, professionally, mentally, 精神上继续为上帝和人类服务.

Connect with V-CEVSS


Office Information


Call or Text: 806-513-5659


Office Hours: CST 

Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fridays 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Request Support

Christine Lockridge

Personnel: Project Coordinator

Purpose: Project development & liaison for VA students


Call or Text: 806-513-5659

Location: Plainview, TX

Get Connected

Tania Perez-Orozco, MA, LPC-A

Personnel: Veteran Counselor

Purpose: Mental health & performance support for VA students


Phone: 210-590-5615

Location: San Antonio, TX

Schedule an Appointment


V-CEVSS Support

The 退伍军人成功的虚拟卓越中心 (V-CEVSS) provides a comprehensive suite of support services to all VA and military affiliated students no matter where they are located.





 Performance Improvement

Email for more information

Individual Session

With veteran and licence professional Tania D. Perez-Orozco, MA, LPC-A


Book Appointment

Moral Injury Seminar

虚拟研讨会| 4月10日星期三| CST下午5:30

Recorded Version | Moral Injury Seminar

Request Moral Injury Support Group



Flag at Wayland
The Veteran Newsletter: Mental Health & Performance 

Difference Between Moral Injury and PTSD

"The effects of trauma are diverse and nuanced. 而道德创伤和创伤后应激障碍都可能是由于暴露于痛苦事件而导致的, the diverge in their orgins, symptoms, and treatment approaches."

~ Tania D. Perez-Orozco, MA, LPC-A

Click here to read more



Resources and Guides 

Performance Improvement Guide for Veteran Students

This guide explores how a focus on mental health and performance improvement can assist in navigating the challenges of transitioning from high-structure military life to low-structure academic life. V-CEVSS提供量身定制的服务来满足这些需求, addressing the impact of invisible wounds such as PTSD and chronic stress through counseling sessions and support groups.

Guide for Veteran Students

Faculty Guide for Military Affiliated Students

Discover essential insights and best practices for supporting military-affiliated students in academic settings with this comprehensive faculty guide. Learn effective strategies for understanding the unique needs and experiences of these students, 促进他们从军事生活顺利过渡到学术生活, 并在他们的教育过程中提供有意义的支持.

Military Affiliated Student Guide for Faculty


Isakson and Roe Section 1018 Requirements

Cost of attendance information and resources.

See Isakson and Roe Requirements


Established Excellence

Wayland is a faith-based institution focused on academic excellence and was among the first institutions to consider the educational needs of men and women servicing in the U.S. armed services. A legacy continued by offering degree programs in compliance with military education benefits. You will find service men and women from every branch of the armed services taking courses, teaching, and working at WBU.


V-CEVSS Services in Brief 

  • 现役学生每学分250美元

  • 指定和培训辅导员,以协助VA学生和他们的学术需求

  • Mental health & 通过咨询服务为所有与VA/军队有关的学生提供绩效支持 

  • 导师计划为退伍军人/现役学生提供持续的支持

  • 简介课程,旨在准备退伍军人/军事学生的学业成功

  •  VA student organizations to create a community among all of Wayland's VA/military connected students




Counseling – our mental health counseling service recognizes the uniqueness of each individual’s experiences and concerns. 我们的资深顾问提供保密的短期服务, 为军队学生提供非医疗心理健康咨询. Our counselor is licensed and an experienced professional with expertise in military and family life. Clients can trust that they are receiving guidance from a qualified counselor dedicated to their well-being. 认识到客户的不同偏好和需求, we offer flexible counseling formats, including in-person sessions, and teletherapy.

Tutoring – our tutoring service is dedicated to providing individuals of all ages with a personalized and effective learning experience. 我们知道每个人都有独特的学习方式、挑战和目标. Therefore, our tutoring program connects students with tutors who tailor their approach to address specific academic needs and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Academic Accommodations – our academic accommodations services are designed to empower students with diverse learning needs by providing tailored support and accommodations. 我们知道每个学生都有独特的优势和挑战, and our program aims to create an inclusive educational environment that ensures equal access to learning opportunities. 我们首先对每个学生的学习情况进行全面评估. Based on this assessment, we collaboratively develop individualized accommodation plans that address specific learning challenges and optimize the student’s academic experience.

Mentorship – our mentorship service is designed to provide you with a unique and invaluable opportunity for personal and professional development. 根植于指导和支持对成长至关重要的信念, our mentorship program connects individuals seeking guidance with experienced and accomplished professionals/graduates across various fields.
No--The V-CEVSS Veteran Counselor assists with mental health and performance as well as faculty and staff training on topics impacting military affiliated students. 而退伍军人辅导员可以协助一般的心理健康评估和转介, 他们不隶属于退伍军人管理局,也没有被授权提供退伍军人管理局福利咨询. 有些服务机构可以在这些问题上提供帮助. We recommend reaching out to a Veterans Service Officer (VSO) for assistance with VA benefits. 你可透过以下连结找到附近的志愿服务中心,并了解更多有关服务的资料:   
1. Apply for educational benefits through the VA:

2. Apply to Wayland Baptist University:

3. 与学校认证官员(SCO)联系:
Your School Certifying Official (SCO) is your go-to resource for assistance with your educational benefits at Wayland. Each campus has an SCO.
在退伍军人事务部的教育福利方面提供帮助, 我们建议与退伍军人服务官员(VSO)联系。. 这些专业人士有能力指导你完成整个过程. 你可透过以下连结找到附近的志愿服务中心,并了解更多有关服务的资料:
拿到你以前学校的成绩单并寄给韦兰, 你需要直接联系你以前就读的学校. You must provide a transcript from every school you attended even if you’ve failed a class. 成绩单必须直接从学校寄出,以确保其真实性. 遗憾的是,学生自己提供的成绩单不被接受. You can usually request your transcript through the previous school's registrar's office or their online transcript request system, if available. Be sure to provide the necessary details, such as your full name, student ID, and any other required information, to facilitate the process smoothly.



Accreditations & Memberships

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